What do you call your babies? Booger, Squirt, Peanut, or Cupcake

As you know I have a Etsy Store where I make personalized and custom paper bag albums. Well, its been awhile since I have replaced some of the ones that have sold and it’s because I am stuck on titles! I love to make the books as close to home as possible. One of my favorite books was a ‘little man’ book that I duplicated once I realized how sad I was to see it get sold. Now I have about 10 of them half done but I am stuck on titles.
Sweetheart Baby Girl Book
So with all that said I would love to hear what you call your little poptart!
For my oldest my hubby and I often call him Kiddo! Since he is 8 the little baby nicknames have seemed to stop. When he was little he was always ‘Momma’s man’, peanut, lil‘ man, and baby.
For my toddler I often call him ‘Mommy’s Baby’ and the cute thing is he refers to himself as the same. But for little nicknames I use Booger and Squirt.
What do you call your little prince or princess?




  1. Grammatically Delicious Designs says

    I’m afraid mine won’t help much, but I’ll tell you anyway! ๐Ÿ™‚ My daughter (15) we call ‘Barbie’ because she’s a blonde girly girl who never bends her arms when she runs. My oldest son we call ‘E’ because his name is Ethan. The other two may be helpful. We call Evan ‘Honey Bear’, and Reid ‘Honey Bee.’ My oldest son also called my daughter ‘Sissy’ when he was really small. Hope this helped a little!

  2. cutiepiescustomcreations says

    Little man, Bruiser, Dennis the Mennis, Little Sunshine, Midget…

  3. The Pink Potpourri says

    well, i don’t have any nick names, since i don’t have any little ones yet ๐Ÿ™‚ but when i was little my dad would call me punk, short for pumpkin ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Seth says

    bubba, bubbies, littles, kay kay, little one

  5. Jen says

    I cannot believe that we actually shorten our sons name…..it only has 2 letters as is! We call Ty ‘T’ or ‘Mr. T’!

  6. Paperprincess34 says

    Not very creative I know, but I call him baby, though he’s not much of a baby anymore.

  7. Angela says

    I call my little niece “Sweetie Pie” and “Short Stuff” all the time!

    I call my baby nephew “Little Man”

  8. Lisa and Jamie says

    No kids here but I was “Punkin” (pumpkin) when I was little. Some of my friends call theirs: Shnookums, Chicka, Bubba, Little Man, Mini Me.

  9. Tiffany Aller says

    Our little one has about a million nicknames: Princess Grumpypants, Princess Smileypants, Babycakes and many many more!

  10. CatzInTheHouse says

    Oh, our poor children the names we come up with. I have Thumper, Peanut, Jelly Bean, Cookie, and Spud.

  11. Lisa and Jamie says

    oops I meant “chucka” instead of chicka. It started out as “chuckie” because he was a total terror and it evolved into chucka LOL

  12. I call my daughter BOOGER….I don’t know why, mom absolutely hates boogers and I work construction so often have a booger, don’t mind them much…. I love my little booger Jaylen though…she’s the most precious perfect lil’booger ever!

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