Monday Funny: Vitamin Water XXX and some Announcements!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I heard there was some crazy weather all over the place! We finally had a 65 degree weather day on Friday and I had a chance to open up all the windows and air out the house it was great! Sadly its back down to 40 but I know summer is coming!!!
Its funny though that while I’m up here in New England, Kentucky was getting hammered with tons of snow…most would think it should be the other way around….although I am thankful we only got a thunder & lightning storm last night! Last year we got snow well into April UGH!

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up in the next month or so there will be some changes going on around here. They will be many more giveaways going on then the one featured friday one. I have tons of great products coming to you and I’m so excited to share them with you! For those of you with no children, don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you! I have some great jewelry and purses coming! And for those of you with kids…I have great quality products coming too!!!

Remember to always check my side bar where I will keep a current list of all my giveaways along with their ending dates! On Wednesday’s when I bring you all the greatest giveaways I could find from other bloggers I’ll have Mr. Linky there for you to also list all your giveaways too! So remember to check in and let me know what you have!

I am also going to be posting a lot more so make sure to always check the posting below because I don’t want to be just another giveaway board I still want to keep an open door with you guys!

I recently signed up to have a blog makeover so in just a few weeks I will start changing the look of things around here! For those of you who have contacted me regarding advertisement I will start accepting those once the make over is complete.

With a blog make over on its way i am also considering a change of name. I’m not sure if I plan on doing it for sure but I started this blog with the intentions of being my place to advertise my Etsy Store….now I hardly ever mention it here. So I think I may go with something a bit more- me! Since I am having a major hard time with this….I may be doing a Paper Bag Album Giveaway for help with picking a name!
Ok, on with things! Our Monday Funny!
Have you ever purchased a Vitamin Water? If so, have you ever bothered to read the actual label? Until the other day I hadn’t and I couldn’t believe I hadn’t!
Here’s the label to the Acai Blueberry Pomegranate Vitamin Water I purchased the other day:

Oh! And don’t forget tomorrow is the last day of my Country Bob’s Sauce giveaway!


  1. The Pink Potpourri says

    that bottle is hilarious ๐Ÿ™‚

    i’m so excited about all these awesome upcoming changes! you have such a great blog!

  2. My Home - My Life says

    What the world? That is so strange?!?!?!

  3. Susan says

    Yes, I have purchased this drink and laughed so hard (in the store) as I read the bottle. I do like it, it is good:) I think your blog is awesome, I can’t believe your changing it! I’m sure it will be even better:)

  4. NeaCakes says

    no wonder my husband loves vitamin water ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Ashley says

    hahahaha, i need to get some of that water. That’s too funny! ๐Ÿ™‚

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