How to Make a Grab Button?

Seriously I have tried every tutorial out there and if you were on my blog last night you saw some funny things going on I apologize. I for the life of me cannot figure out how to get the grab off the bottom of my button! Ugh! Does anyone know how to do this? I would be so appreciative if you could point me in the right direction.
Make sure to stay tuned, I will be posting another great review tonight with a giveaway! Also remember tomorrow will be all the great giveaways I can find out there and if you have one you’d like to share please make sure to stop back and add yours! I will be adding Mr. Linky again so we can track all those great giveaways out there in Blogland!


  1. The Pink Potpourri says

    great question. i’d love to know the answer myself. i tried to do it but i could not get the image to shrink…it took over half my blog page! can’t wait to read your responses 🙂

  2. Manic Mother says

    I can help you, do you have an image already for the button? You can email me the image and I will try to make it for you tonight, and of course I will tell you how.

  3. ConnieK says

    You are so silly!
    First load the image onto a site like flickr or photobucket.
    Then go to this website:

    On their sidebar you will see the code for their button. Just replace the site address and the image location with your information. Make sense?

    (I tried to give you the code but HTML isn’t allowed in comments!)

  4. Mrs4444 says

    Did you figure it out with the other comments? Just in case….

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