Happy Birthday to my hubby!

Today is my hubby’s birthday! I can’t believe how fast time is flying! I feel like it was just yesterday we were celebrating his 21st! Saturday night my MIL and & I threw him a surprise party and invited 50 of his friends and family. I had the boys sleep over my dad’s house and had a great night! I think it was actually the latest I have stayed up in years. It was surely the latest I have slept in years!
My hubby had a great time. He said he had an idea of what was going on…but I think he was completely surprised! I made some great invitations for his party that I will be posting in my store shortly! Once I can edit our personal information off them though 😉
I bought these adorable platform shoes about an hour before the party and that was definitely a mistake. If you know me you know I am SO not the heels type of girl LOL but I try. I am more of your pink fuzzy crocs girl haha! But hubby hates them and I have to agree they are not party pretty. The only other heels I had were wedding like so I tired these out.
Remind me next time to break them in and not wearing them brand new out for the first time. I thought my toes were going to be gone an hour in but luckily the numbness set in and I was good after a while. Of course those fuzzy crocs were in my Jeep for my safe ride home! Because we know if I can hardly walk in them I certainly can’t drive in them! I really don’t get how woman wear heels anywhere and everywhere! I do have to admit before I had kids I wore them much more often. I worked in a bank and so it was necessary to have them. But after going in the medical field they weren’t and I got used to not wearing them.
Only a couple more years to go and I too will be 30! Ugh! I can’t believe I am getting so old. I know 30 is so not old but I still don’t feel that I will be 28 this year. What ever happened to 22?


  1. Jen says

    At least the shoes were adorable! Sorry you were in such pain. On our vacation, my daughters and I had to wear tights to a formal dinner and it was truly painful! I don’t miss those days at all!!! :0)

    Glad the party was such a success!!!

  2. sassyglassdesigns says

    Surprise parties are always fun even if you think you might know what’s going on.

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