Aww shucks, you shouldn’t have!

But I’m oh so glad you did! Thank you so much to Heathen’s Hearth who gave this to me 🙂
You must remember Heathen’s Hearth from my earlier post. They have the best ever vanilla sugar scrubs (among other soaps and frostings). I use them, I know!
(I featured them once too, to read click here)
Here are the rules of the game:

List 7 things you love and then pass the award on to 7 people..tagging them and letting them know they won! You can copy the picture of the award and put it on your sideboard letting the whole wide world know you are KReATIV!
7 things I love:
1. all 3 of my boys
2. being a mom
3. being a wife
4. summer
5. french vanilla coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts
6. my camera/pictures
7. pancakes
The people I tag:
1. The Strong & Not So Silent Type
2. Paperprincess
3. Thoughts of Creativity Bubbling Over
4. My Dear Darling
5. Just me & my thoughts
6. Catz in the House
7. Two of a kind, working on a full house


  1. Felicia says


    BTW.. if you want a great site for blog html stuff.. email me at

    felicia {at} gograhamgo {dot} com

  2. Susan says

    Congrats to you!! A Big Thank You for passing it on to me:) You have made my Tuesday Terrific:)

  3. Dee says

    Aww! Thank you!! I’m so behind with “accepting” these…but I will soon!

  4. ConnieK says

    Thanks a bunch hon!!! You are indeed a Kreativ Blogger!

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