Think Spring!

So, yesterday I enjoyed my first day home in SO long! I enjoyed it so much! I swore to myself there was nothing that was going to make me leave my house! So, I stayed home and worked on some orders and samples that I have been needing to get done. It was nice & I got so much accomplished. Granted, I am not done but I am happy with all I got done!
I am so excited to tell you that I am going to start including giveaways from my Featured Friday Artists! I can’t wait! I already have 3 lined up! And they are good! I hope you guys win lots of awesome goodies! If you are interested in being one of my features and would like to offer up a goody to giveaway please contact me through my contact form.
I know it is still winter but I am now thinking spring! With that hubby & I have been looking into getting the boys a swingset for the backyard! We have already decided that we want a wood one. Who knew there were so many! We are stuck between two of them! There is this one:

And the other one is one step up and there is very little that’s different. I am just so nervous we are going to spend all this money on one of those wood ones that turns to a piece of junk in 2 years! I really want to make sure we get one that lasts for as long as we need it if not longer! The supplier we went to states these ones (as long as they are stained and maintained properly) should last 10-15 years!


  1. AnniKae says

    Those swing sets are so awesome! It has a little of everything…clubhouse, swingset…fun, fun, fun!

  2. Cory and Megan says

    Swing sets are seriously the best! my mom still has mine from my 3rd birthday! Ya remember those old aluminum kinda ones that are red and blue. It is still in great shape, we have just had to replace the plastic parts and such. this swing set looks amazing! and should last you forever!!! Your boys will have so so much fun.

  3. Helenes Dreams says

    Your kids are so lucky…have fun. Looks wonderfu1!

  4. hollyzhobby says

    We had the wood one almost identical to the one in your picture. We had a sandbox in the bottom part. The kids loved it and it was the best investment. I highly recommend it.

  5. smilemonsters says

    We went through the big swing set decision at Christmas. It’s hard to decide!


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