Hotel for Dogs

First things first~I am so happy Danny Gokey made the top 3 last night on American Idol! If Tatiana had made it over him I would have flipped! I love Alexis Grace too, I love her spunk!
So, yesterday hubby and I brought the boys to go see ‘Hotel for Dogs’. I think its crazy that there are hardly any kids movies out right now for winter vacation, yet at Christmas time you could have seen a different one each day of the week! Anyways…this movie was so good. We were a bit leery attempting to bring our 2 year old to a non cartoon movie right at nap time but our 8 year old was so darn excited!
This movie was great! I have to admit I am often a sucker for kids movies and it doesn’t usually take much to suck me in to the storyline. Surely enough my 2 year old didn’t want to sit still, be quiet, or just listen in general. This made it a bit difficult as he threw his sippy cup and shoes at the back of the seats of the people sitting in front of us.
Now don’t get me wrong if you were sitting a couple of rows away you wouldn’t have even noticed us, he wasn’t the screaming child or anything, but when the movie was over and the lights came back let me tell you the ‘if looks could kill’ look we got from the dad in front of us. And as much as I’d like to admit I too would have probably been annoyed, but that’s the risk you take going to a kids movie at 2pm on vacation week.

Here’s the movie trailer! I am no dog fan (not at all) and this movie will make you want to go out and rescue every pooch you see!


  1. My Dear Darling says

    Aww, hehe, it’s really not what other people think that matters… as long as your kids enjoyed the movie! 😀

  2. Maria says

    very interesting blog ! thank you

  3. My Home - My Life says

    Danny is one of my favorites! And I am SO glad Tatianna is gone!

  4. Angela says

    I am also glad that Danny and Alexis made it. I wanted Anoop to be the third person though. But, I never vote, so I guess I can’t complain.

    I don’t even have kids and I want to see Hotel for Dogs (just because I loooove dogs) I asked my niece if she wanted to go (so I wouldn’t look like a dumb butt) and she said no! She is 7 and she said no. hmmm. I guess I will wait for the DVD.

  5. Jen says

    What is winter vacation? Seriously! We are taking a winter vacation and pulling our kids out of school all next week, but I’ve never even heard of winter vacation (other than Christmas). Do you get Spring Break, too?

    You really don’t have to answer these lame questions. I was just jealous! :0)

    We liked that movie, too! Ages 3-35 were all entertained!

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