
So, I’ve been a little less than personal these days. Life has been crazy and unfortunately many of my blog postings have been scheduled. I am hoping to get more into some daily non-scheduled posts from now on.
My lil 2 year old has been really sick lately. He has been throwing up and having really bad diarrhea and just plain miserable. Mommy has been doing all she can to keep his spirits up. Hopefully, after the past week we are nearing the road to recovery! In the same I need to be thankful it didn’t spread through our house and get the rest of my family sick!
I have done a few custom wedding orders that kept me rather busy in the beginning of the month. One of these orders even made me face my printer. My printer and I are FAR from being BFF’s LOL! I guess if I could find a way or a program to make some kind of templates it would make my life 10x easier. So if you know a way I could make different sized templates please let me know as you will be saving me from some major headaches.
I am hoping to get some time to make some samples of some new ideas running through my mind these days. I am hoping to come out with some custom printed and decorated birthday invitations. I have a few ideas I recently got supplies for. One will be a cupcake party invite and another will have some satin ribbon and flowers attached. I am also hoping to put together some little boy ones as well 🙂
I am trying to get my blog under some sort of order as well. If you noticed I have started a new theme of Monday Funny’s! I will try to put a new video or email out every Monday morning to give us a small laugh to start our week with. I am also planning on starting a Featured Friday shortly as well. I will be showcasing other handmade items and their sellers. If you’re a seller and would like to be featured, let me know. I don’t plan on asking for anything in return but if you’d like to sponsor a giveaway I’m happy to accommodate. If you’re doing a giveaway on your own blog give me a heads up and I’ll post it here and try to send some traffic your way.
Speaking of traffic I am happy to report my traffic has suddenly jumped incredibly I have had about 100-200 hits a day and over 500 new people visit here in just the past 2-3 weeks!


  1. Lindsey says

    Aww I hope your little one feels better soon!

  2. My home - My life says

    I have been lacking in my blogging too! Work has been so crazy so I have not had time to blog as much as I would like to.

    Hope your little one feels better!

  3. LoveCreations24 says

    aww – I hope it’s not that dreaded 24 hour bug!! That was going around big time around Christmas – but I haven’t heard about it in the past week or two so I was thinking it may be drifting away…=(

  4. The Berry's Patch says

    Hi J. Leigh,

    Those mailboxes were in the area with the Valentine decorations. They had V-day plates, glasses, etc. Good luck!

  5. uniquecommodities says

    I hope your son gets better soon and that Mommy doesnt catch it! Also hope you get your printer issues resolved!

  6. Little Lovables says

    it’s good to get your blogging on a routine, I need to do that too!

  7. Pink Signs says

    Congrats on the traffic to your blog!

  8. AnniKae says

    WhooH00…200 hits a day! That’s terrific. I love your idea for the “Monday Funny”…I’ll be sure to check it out each week.
    Happy Day!

  9. NeaCakes says

    Hugs! Hope he’s feeling better! I for one love your blog!

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