Parental Consent?

So these are the dolls that TY just released. Their names are Sasha & Malia.
Michelle Obama is very upset and does not want these dolls out. TY is stating they just used the names b/c they thought they were great names. Seriously? Do they really believe anyone is that stupid? Obviously these dolls are supposed to be the Obama girls. Anyone intending on purchasing them are purchasing them as the Obama girls!
My real question is….don’t they need parental consent to market and profit off a minor? Can a company really just take a doll make it look like your child, even give it the same name and NEVER get consent? And if they do make a profit shouldn’t those girls see some of it?
I would love to hear your opinion on this?


  1. Susan says

    Unfortunately, I think there will be a lot of people trying to make money off these poor girls…Isn’t that the American way? I agree that Mrs. Obama should have been asked first before the release of the dolls, but she does not own the rights to these “names” and anyone can use them. I am sure we will see a lot of moms now naming their new babies these names too. I wonder if any of the other presidential children have been “reproduced” like this? If not, why now…why these two girls? Bottom line, this family is now in the public eye 24/7 and they have placed themselves there…hopefully, the parents will protect their girls as much as they can and the American people will respect them for it! Great post! You rock! Have a great Sunday:)

  2. T.Allen-Mercado says

    Wow-I’d be really upset too. But, I don’t think there is any legal recourse-they are not being marketed directly as Sasha and Malia Obama dolls…although we all know the indirect intent. Pretty sneaky and no-they would not get my business.

  3. The Milkshake says

    they should get some of the profits…
    But the girls last name is not with them to make it “them”

    It is sad :o(

  4. ConnieK says

    Wow… I would be soooo pissed! But the other ladies are right, that is the America way. People are so facinated with these girls because they are so young and are so important. Sad that a large company like TY would choose to be sneaky like that though, they certainly won’t get my business!

  5. The Berry's Patch says

    Yes, I would be upset also. But legally they can make them and name them whatever they want.

  6. eNVe says

    I am so appalled by this!!! I can’t believe that people have absolutely no shame and would try to make a profit off of just about anything.

  7. Michelle says

    I heard about this on the radio, I wasn’t even shocked by the dolls, I was shocked that it was a big company TY. I thought for sure they would have thought the idea out first.

  8. BackwoodSophisticate says

    Yikes, that is so scary that making and selling these dolls is OK. Totally wromg of TY to do this.

  9. Little Lovables says

    yeah it’s a shame really. people will exploit anyone for money and publicity

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