Baby Names, Back Aches, and Third Trimester!

I feel like just yesterday I was coming here and announcing the fact I was preggers! Now I’m almost 29 weeks in and can’t believe the end of this pregnancy journey is almost over. Both boys were born at 36 weeks. Johnny was determined to come and Gavin came for safety reasons because of his brothers determination. As of now they said they will let me go as far as 41 weeks before I’ll have to have a c section, but as of now I’m moving forward with my VBAC plans and that means really I could go as soon as 7-8 weeks which scares the bajeebies out of me!

There is still so much to do. We don’t have an additional bedroom and really don’t want either child to have to share their bedroom so we’re using the unfinished master bathroom off our bedroom. It’s just sheet rock, floorboard, and capped plumbing so in reality it will work but since it’s a room within our room it’s only temporary. We figure as long as he’s in a crib he can be in the room so I guess we’re looking at about 2 years.

However, right now the bedroom looks more like a storage unit then a baby’s room. There are boxes all over the place and piles of stuff I’ve been collecting through the years of fertility treatments and blog events. Some of the boxes are for family members like my MIL who will be the main “babysitter” when we need someone to watch him and I want our little man to be as comfortable as possible so any extra’s I have will go to her.

We have the crib built and the changing table but we still need the chest and dresser built and boxes and clothing gone through and set up. I know I’m still need of quite a few things and really need to sit down and figure out what I can get by with and skip over. I won’t be having a shower this time around so I need to make sure I cover everything I need.

I know I should be sharing a photo with you but I actually haven’t take one since the last time I shared one. I know I need to take one soon and I will! I’ve hit the third trimester and with that comes being huge and uncomfortable. This pregnancy isn’t like my last either! While my weight gain has been slower this pregnancy has given my lower back pain I’ve never had before. It hurts to get up, to transition in bed, and even walk in the morning. Of course it doesn’t help that when I get on a cleaning mission I go overboard.

Today I am miserable and it’s because yesterday I went nuts moving furniture, cleaning like crazy! I went as far as waxing the leather couches and polishing the wood floor boards. A bit much? Right? So today I’m exhausted and sore. I’m also easily distracted. I’ve been sitting here most of the day to an open new post page. I do have some great giveaways coming up I just need to get myself motivated and get them up! Not all are baby related so don’t worry I’m going to go baby crazy but of course there will be lots for baby to come.


Is for sure the baby’s name πŸ™‚

I’m super happy to finally refer to him as something other then him, he, his, it. His initials will be SJD but we still don’t know what “J” stands for. We all have a J in out name. Either first or middle so the boys are insisting that the baby has one as well. Of course we think it’s a great idea and agreed. Maybe we shouldn’t have agreed while we were out to eat at Chili’s because they suggested ‘Jalapeno’ and are completely serious about it. When I try to fight it they fight back that I said they could pick and that Gavin’s middle name (Jagger) isn’t the typical J name either. I hate to break it to them but Sawyer Jalapeno isn’t happening….


  1. cherie says

    Well, I can totally understand why you vetoed “Jalapeno”…LOL I would have too!!! I am so happy for you! It’s times like these when I wish I never tied my tubes πŸ™ I’m too old to have kids now, but I know I could have had another before. I wish you all the best! If I see any more deals on baby stuff, I’ll be sure to let you know! πŸ™‚
    OH, and the only name I can think of that starts with a “J”, is James….or you can always go with Jude… Have fun with the name!!

  2. Jenny says

    LOL about Jalapeno! I don’t think that will work so well.

  3. Christine M says

    LoLoL @ Jalapeno. My BFF has 3 boys 1 girl preggo with another baby don’t know what she is having yet and all the boys have initials JAP. Our friends joked with her that they should name the third boy Jalapeno. Prayers for a successful VBAC for you and that many others will read your story and attempt one too =)

  4. Mike says

    How about just ‘Jay’?????

  5. Nicole dunlop says

    Sure you have already been searching but thought some of these were cute πŸ™‚

  6. Katie S says

    Jalapeno! Hahahaha. I like Mike’s suggestion of “Jay”. That’s my brother’s name. Do you have any names in the family that start with J that could be used? Or how about Jenson? Because he’s the son of Jen? πŸ™‚

  7. Jenny Lloyd says

    I love the name Sawyer! Have you thought of Jackson for a middle name?

  8. won says

    Yeah for you on the name choice!

    Katie’s idea is very cute…Jenson.

    I imagine this time crunch can feel a bit overwhelming….one step at a time, you’ll get there!

  9. Very cool, I love that name. I’m pregnant too, with my second…they’ll only be 17 months apart…YIKES and OOPS! Anyway, hang in there, crossing my fingers and toes for a successful VBAC for you! πŸ™‚

  10. Katie says

    I love the name Sawyer! Very cute! πŸ™‚ I sympathize on the back pain. I just keep telling myself it’s only a couple more months…

  11. latonya r says

    I would have never thought of sawyer as a first name but it has a distinct ring to it. And the photo is very fitting.

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