Happy Birthday, Dora! In the final episode of the Magic Storybook Trilogy, a twisting wind has blown Dora and Boots into Wizzle World, a land located in the Magic Storybook. Dora and Boots can’t jump out of the Magic Storybook without first taking Dora’s crystal to the Wishing Wizzle (Hector Elizondo) so he can wish them back home in time for Dora’s birthday party with all her family and friends. They set off an adventure to Wishing Mountain, but they better watch out for La Bruja and her Flying Monkeys who don’t like wishes and try to stop Dora and Boots.
Dora and Boots need to get home for Dora’s birthday party with all her family and friends. They can’t wait to get home to everyone they love back in the rainforest, but before Dora and Boots can jump out of the Magic Storybook, a twisty wind picks them up and blows them into Wizzle World.
Dora Helps the Birthday Wizzle
Dora is reading a storybook about a Birthday Wizzle who could make birthday wishes come true with his magic wand. Today is his birthday so it was his turn to make a wish, but a wind came in and blew the wand out of the book! Dora must jump into the book and bring the wishing wand back to the Wizzle to give him his birthday wish.
Wizzle Wishes
Dora and Boots meet a cute little Wizzle who lost his bag of wishes and can’t get home. Our heroes set off in search of the lost wishes, but their friends keep finding the wishes first, and their wishes get everyone into trouble. Dora and Boots must overcome a giant sunflower in Isa’s garden, a storm of raining nuts in the Nutty Forest and slippery slopes at the Wishing Well in order to return to wishes to their rightful owner.

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