So much for personal…

Okay, so clearly I failed at these personal posts I was going to start writing this year. Everytime I’d sit down to write a post that wasn’t in some way on a timeline I couldn’t find something to talk about. I, of course, then proceed to think of 10 million things I should post about when I’m not around or too busy to get a chance. I get caught up standards. The standard of a regular post. There are rules for a good post, right?

It has to have pictures. I get bored reading a post with nothing to look at. I have no pictures for a last minute ramble. Then you feel if you’re going to write something good but all the good ones are short. So here I am giving you a personal post. I know it’s a horrible excuse for one, but it’s a start and I need to start somewhere.

Do you get hung up on what you should post about and sometimes over analyze things? Do you struggle being personal in your posts?

Maybe these quick short posts will be my personal posts. I will try to give you a picture next time.


  1. Yes, I often find it difficult to post something personal. I too think it looks dull not to include a picture but then I don’t have any photos to go with what I’m posting etc. When I want to sit down and write something, I draw a blank. When I’m sitting and thinking and doing other tasks, I’ll get this great idea but forget to write it down so I’ll remember it later!

  2. Stacey says

    Newest Follower!
    <3 your blog!

    I hope you will follow me back 🙂

  3. blueviolet says

    Keep a little notebook with you all the time, then when something pops in your head, jot it down and post about it later!

  4. Yes, I totally agree. It’s really hard for me to think of personal posts sometimes.

  5. Annette says

    I come up with the most awesome blog posts when I’m laying in bed…warm and cozy, sleepy…too lazy to get up and jot down a quick note.

    Then by morning I’ve forgotten about it. So, I guess I don’t lose any sleep over it. LOL

    I’ve always struggled with personal posts. I just do a lot of memes. haha

  6. Kayla says

    I actually have the OPPOSITE problem-I have too many personal posts and I sit there wondering what I can write to balance them and my memes! I’ve always been meaning to start doing more reviews and giveaways, I guess I’m just kind of scared at getting myself out there o.O

    I hope that it all works out for you though! Just don’t put any pressure on yourself and just let things come to you 🙂

  7. I have the same problem you do. My resolution for this year was to write more personal posts, but I guess I just don’t find myself that interesting! Or even if I think of something to write, I wonder if anyone really cares. And then the reviews and giveaways start to pile up, and I know I should really get those posted, so I do that instead. It’s really tough to maintain that balance.

  8. Linda R. says

    I have a problem with either personal or review posts. I have mostly personal posts, but they’re really short and not that great at all they do include pics. I’m usually writing a post while at work which is when I’m on the computer so I’m typing away and working at the same time so they might not make sense or be great posts. I’m still working on making better posts either personal or on reviews.

  9. Michelle says

    Many times I have ideas for personal posts, but life gets busy and I do not have time to post them. Or I sit down to write a post and it ends up being a review or a prior obligation.

    Annette has the same problem as I do. Many of the times, I am in bed when I think about posts and by morning…it is is gone!

  10. Erica G says

    I have a problem even getting a blog started! I think it should have personal elements to it, but I don’t know how much!

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