Aloha Friday – Inspection Stickers

If you’ve never heard of it, it started over on An Island Life.

I ask a question….I answer it….and then you answer it too!
Sound like fun?


So, for this week’s question:

Q: Are you good at replacing your inspection sticker for your vehicle on time?

A: I ask because my inspection sticker for my Jeep expired in June. It’s already 7.17 which makes me 17 days late. I bought the car in May so last year I forgot and did it in June. I am horrible getting it done on time. This year with 5 days in FL and then it breaking down hasn’t helped but I need to get it replaced. I am scared I’m going to get pulled over and get a ticket!

*In MA we have our cars inspected once a year for emissions and safety. They put the sticker on.
We also have our registration stickers that are replaced every 2 years. These prove we are insured & registered within the state. It’s illegal not to insure your vehicle in MA.

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