Etsy 4th of July Bash: Presenting Able Mabel Giveaway! {CLOSED}

abel mabel

Mod Squares Stash-N-Go Pouch

Who are you?
I am a stay a home mom who uses my creative side to stay “sane”. My family lives in Western Colorado, enjoying the great outdoors!

Large Blooms Full Apron

How long have you been selling on Etsy?
I opened shop in December 2007

What made you decide to open up shop?
My sister and I were in charge of our church craft sale in 2007. At the end of the sale, we realize how much we enjoyed making what we made and couldn’t imagine stopping anytime soon. Etsy was a natural place to start selling. We started able mabel as a joint venture but when my family relocated to CO, able mabel became mine.

Jellybean Lovie

How did you decide on your shop name?
We had a jump rope diddy we used to sing as kids that went “Mabel, Mabel set the table just as fast as you are able.” We were humming it one day as we were working away and realized we had hit on a great name. “Mabel” is “able” to do a whole variety of items and isn’t tied to just one area (for example baby products).

Blue Flower Half Apron

What is your favorite item in your shop and why?
This is a tough one. I really like how this sign came together. I especially love the quote!

Dieting is Wishful Shrinking

What are some of your favorite stores from other sellers on Etsy?
Love these kids clothes
I know she’s my mother but I still think her work is absolutely amazing!
I absolutely adore these illustrations!

A Purse that Blooms

Do you have any websites, blogs, or other markets we can find you on?


Bulls Eye Quilt

able mable has offered a $20 gift card e-code to be used in her shop to one of my readers!


You must have your email in your comment or in your profile in order to win.

(Make sure to check out all my other giveaways!
Check the side bar to the right for list!)

That’s many chances to win this $20 gift card code from able mable!

Contest ends July 20th at 11:59pm!


If you would like to be considered for an upcoming feature/review please contact me by email which you can find in my profile. PR Friendly. Thanks!

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