Monday Funny: What NOT to do to prevent the Swine Flu

No, this is not my child. This came to me in an email!


  1. Katie says

    This is a very funny picture! Let’s remember, though, that this strain of swine flu hasn’t even presented in any swine so you can’t catch it that way (though I’m sure there are plenty of other things you could catch!!)

  2. Katie says

    This is a very funny picture! Let’s remember, though, that this strain of swine flu hasn’t even presented in any swine so you can’t catch it that way (though I’m sure there are plenty of other things you could catch!!)

  3. The Pink Potpourri says

    i got that in an email last week. it makes me want to gag!

  4. The Pink Potpourri says

    i got that in an email last week. it makes me want to gag!

  5. Brandi says

    OMG! That is funny and disturbing all at the same time! Mkes me want to go grab some Purell. On the up side, I am pretty sure she won’t get swine flu that way!

  6. Brandi says

    OMG! That is funny and disturbing all at the same time! Mkes me want to go grab some Purell. On the up side, I am pretty sure she won’t get swine flu that way!

  7. NICO Designs says

    Yep. she won’t get the flu but gross! She licked the poor pig:)

  8. NICO Designs says

    Yep. she won’t get the flu but gross! She licked the poor pig:)

  9. Corey~living and loving says

    too fun! I too, like to make silly of things that make me nervous. I wrote a silly post on swine flu this weekend.

  10. Corey~living and loving says

    too fun! I too, like to make silly of things that make me nervous. I wrote a silly post on swine flu this weekend.

  11. 1stopmom says

    Oh my goodness that is so funny, lol. I have been showing everyone this picture.

  12. 1stopmom says

    Oh my goodness that is so funny, lol. I have been showing everyone this picture.

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