Capture Moments and Create Videos of Family Memories with the OneDay App

Time is flying by!  School is already in full swing and summertime is long gone. It seems like time started to go by even faster the moment I became a mom. My babies have been growing up way too quickly. My first baby is almost 6, and is Kindergarten! My second baby is going to be 18 months at the end of the month. I can’t handle it! I feel like Hayden was just barely learning to walk, and I was pregnant with Halli a few months ago. Even though it is a little sad my babies can’t stay babies forever, the stages my kids are in now are really fun too.

Hayden is so super smart, and he kills me with all the funny things he says. He loves kindergarten and this is such a fun new adventure in his life.

OneDay app

OneDay app

Halli is seriously growing like a weed and she is into everything. She dances, sings, likes to play dress up, and is so sweet. All of the sudden she has turn into this little lady.

OneDay app

OneDay app

I want to do everything I can to be the memory keeper for my family. I want to remember my kids at every stage and all the fun milestones.  They both say and do the funniest things. I want to always remember them when they were little.

OneDay has an amazing new app to help me remember all the fun moments of my kids. OneDay helps create short movies in just a few steps.

OneDay App

The app gives you multiple suggestions of topics to interview your kids about, such as: back to school, about mom/dad, emotions, pets, etc. Then after you pick a topic they also provide questions to ask.

OneDay app

You can take lots of little moments or movie clips, and then the OneDay app automatically stitches all the videos together. The final product is a wonderful priceless movie to share with friends and family.

Best of all the app is FREE and is for all Apple devices. It is such a great, and easy way to capture moments of your kids at any time.

OneDay app

Right now OneDay is having a fabulous contest!  Here are the rules:

  1. Download the FREE OneDay app using this link.
  2. Then create a video using the OneDay app.  Take a video of your kids telling you all about their first few weeks of school, or what they think about themselves.  They will love it and so will you!
  3. Then just share your video on your Facebook page.  Be sure to tag @OneDay in your post and go the OneDay FB page that says, “I posted my video!”
  4.  The winner will be selected randomly from everyone who shares and tags their video on Facebook!  The contest will end October 8th at 8pm EST!
About Megan

Megan loves being a stay at home mom to a busy boy Hayden (10) and sweet girl Halli (6). She has been happily married to her ridiculously good looking husband for 11 years. She also enjoys blogging, trying new recipes to cook or bake, girls nights, fashion, and reading. You can also find her on twitter and instagram @fourheartsproject


  1. vickie couturier says

    how cute,,love the way you captured precious moments

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