I am in need of your help!

So, this week isn’t working out much better. My oldest now has strep. We can’t seem to beat the sickies out this winter! I feel I am spending more time in the Dr.’s offices then anywhere else right now. Figures it has to be at rush point at work. I work for an after school program called Mad Science. Technically I am the birthday party coordinator but I am also the after school assistant as well. So, since my work kicks off our late winter program at 67 schools next week things are so busy!
I have also been trying to track down a game for my son that he has been asking for and the darn game went and got discontinued. I went as far as calling Fisher Price to try to track it down and they said some stores such as Walmart and Target could still have them on their shelves. So if you happen to be walking down the Vtech/game system aisle in the toy section please keep your eyes peeled for this game! It’s generally $15-$20 depending on where ya find it. If you do take the time to find it for me I will not only send you the money ASAP either by paypal or snail mail but I will also send a very nice surprise your way! This is the game I am looking for:

Isn’t it funny how we go crazy tracking down toys for our children? I remember when my oldest was little waiting forever for those corny little furby’s!!! I remember the silly craze for Tickle Me Elmo as well.

And since I didn’t get a chance to fix my Monday Funny until 5 pm and the quality just isn’t there I thought I would throw a second one your way. This one is silly but will make your jaw drop just the same LOL!


  1. My Home - My Life says

    So funny we had such similar posts!

  2. NeaCakes says

    I’ve looked at Toys r us, and wal mart… did ya need 2 or 1?

  3. Jen says

    OK, in your last post, I declared my fear of public restrooms…is that why you posted this one?!? Give a girl a break! :0)

  4. Jamie says

    Okay, keeping my eyes peeled for that cute toy! And that video is hilarious!!! I would have had to offer some toilet paper, hehe.

    Jamie 🙂

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