~5 New Paper Bag Scrapbook Bag Books~

Over the weekend I worked away more than I have been able to lately and I managed to finish up 5 new Paper Albums. I am including just some of the pages from them for you to see! All but one of them will be available for sale in my store.

This book has to be my favorite and am actually considering keeping if it doesn’t sell quickly. LOL! I used to look for items tagged aslil’ man as I called my oldest this often but all I could ever find were things for “baby boy”.


  1. Cory and Megan says

    I love these!! They are so cute. I love love the little man one. i call my little one(who is still kickin in my belly) my little man too. So fun. What cute stuff.

  2. JaimeSews says

    I LOVE the little man album. Wish I had some extra funds, but if I were you, I’d want to keep it too! 🙂 Great Job!

  3. Boody Babies says

    Toooo cute!

  4. Kelly says

    Adorable! Great work!

  5. Love the sunflowers!

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