Oh. My. Gawd.
See the white building to the right of the gas station? That’s where I work.
After coming home and being blown off my front steps from opening the door to my own home that was on fire I know how scary and real this fire is.
Now we’re talking a gas station?!?!
I’m starting to get a really bad feeling about this.
If this blows how big will this blow?
Am I standing to far away? Why are my co-workers IN the building not being evacuated?!?!
The firefighters were well trained and well equipped.
They got the fire contained and under control in no time.
I have an after photo of the van on my phone if I could figure out how to get it off.
Why is this post titled the way it is?
Turns out the driver of the van was driving on the Interstate and smelled smoke.
Concerned, he got off the exit drive a mile down the street and pulled into the Pride Station parking lot, parked, and got out. He then went to the back of the van and flung open the doors. Oh, I should tell you it was an AVON van filled with alcohol based products which ignited the fire.
I guess the HUGE empty safe bowling alley parking lot across the street wasn’t a better lookin’ place to pull over when you smell fire.
I guess gas stations are better.
I guess that parking your vehicle over the tanks is a brilliant idea too!
I guess some people just lack common sense.
Thankfully no one was hurt and the gas station didn’t receive a lot of damage.
Sadly the same can’t be said on the condition of the truck.
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