Wordless Wednesday – Brotherly Love!

Last week Johnny finally left his bunk bed and is back down with the rest of us. The boys just had to have a sleepover (even though it was a school night) to celebrate. They may be 5 years 8 months apart but they are closer then ever!

Wanna hear something weird?!? After almost 4 years of failed fertility treatments, giving up in May, and this unplanned pregnancy in July- Sawyer will be exactly 5 years 8 months younger then Gavin. Hmmmm…..

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  1. That is so awesome! I love hearing stories of siblings that are close to each other like that despite their age differences. I’m sure Gavin will be just as loved and close to his older brothers! πŸ™‚

  2. How cute. I just posted a picture of my son sleeping too!

  3. Some things are just meant to be, and that’s where I believe in divine intervention. Amazing that they will have the exact same age difference. That picture melts my heart.

  4. Jenny says

    That is so cute. How neat that they will be the same age difference!

  5. Aww, sweet picture! taht is really neat about the age difference!

  6. Mimi says

    Oh my gosh, I’ve got pictures like this of my girls. I love going back and seeing them from 10 yrs ago!! LOVE IT!

  7. Aww, I love when siblings are so close! My kids are the same way.

  8. The picture is so adorable. I love sibling pictures. That is really neat about the age gap being the same.

  9. Very cute! I have an 8 year gap between the 1st & 2nd … then a 6 year gap between the 2nd & 3rd. I THINK we’re done but you never know… we could change our minds πŸ™‚

  10. Some things are just too perfect to have been planned. You truly are blessed with each of them

  11. Wow that’s some coincidence going on!

  12. Misadventurous Mommy says

    Adorable! I love my lil ones cuddle up together…it always brings a smile to my face!

  13. They always look so sweet when they sleep! πŸ™‚

  14. Kathy says

    Your boys are so adorable!!!

    I am loving the age difference. It was meant to be!

  15. Rob says

    This is really cool. Shaun and Shae are 4 yrs apart and sometimes they do sleepovers on the floor on the weekends except they talk to much when they should be sleeping. LOL.

    Happy WW!

  16. Wow I can’t believe they are all going to be the same age apart! And what a sweet picture. πŸ™‚

  17. So sweet!

  18. Dee says

    How neat that they’re all the same age difference. My mom lost several babies between us and we ended up all being 6 years apart!

  19. Beth says

    What sweethearts! And how neat (and weird) that the age difference will be exactly the same.

  20. Oh that’s such a great photo!

  21. Was your heart just melting?

  22. Katie says

    that’s so sweet!

  23. Awww how sweet!

  24. Sweet picture!

  25. Sweet shot!

  26. Awww Your little one looks cold though, big brother is hogging all the covers. Maybe they better have their own separate blankets. 5 years 8 months? BOTH? Do you think in 5 years 8 months you’ll have another – maybe a girl this time? ~heehhehehe` Just sayin ~~~~

  27. It’s so wonderful that you got it on camera. This is one that you and both boys will treasure for many years to come!

  28. Precious!
    Happy WW!

  29. Amy says

    That is adorable!!

  30. Jenn says

    Cute. They are making me sleepy!

  31. won says


    Those sibling relationships are (usually) the longest ones you have in your life.

  32. Love it!!!

  33. That is so sweet!!!

    Sure they are spaced out. I’m closer to my sister who is 5 years younger than me more so than the one that is 2 years older than me. It kind of depends on the kids and their interests. My younger sister liked all the same kind of toys as I did. My older sister was bossy, and I never liked that.

  34. latonya r says

    this is a very nice picture!

  35. Ladytink_534 says

    Aw! They’re so sweet and innocent-looking.


  37. So sweet! My boys are 2 yrs 6 days apart .. when they are CLOSE they are buddies but when they are having a bad day — it’s BAD.

  38. How sweet! And, what amazing timing!!

  39. So sweet! I just LOVE when my kids are getting along.

  40. Anne says

    So sweet!

  41. Marie says

    Aww, how sweet! I just love watching my kids sleep πŸ™‚

  42. Beth says

    So sweet! We find the girls sleeping together sometimes. I love it!

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